Friday, October 06, 2006


I'm almost ready for my houseguests. Good thing because they're arriving this afternoon. My house has never looked so good - pretty mums on the porch, artwork hung and straightened, slipcovers washed, laundry done, fresh new soap in the bathroom, basically everything is neat and organized. I love it! Why don't I live like this? My husband and I laugh that the only time our place looks this great is when we have people over. Crazy I know.

Just a few more things on my checklist. I've had about ten to do lists going this week. I keep writing new ones. It somehow makes me feel more organized. Here's the latest and last......

1. Check in with Mom, to make sure I have everything.
2. Call L. make sure I haven't forgotten anything.
3. Buy treats for R, the retriever that looks like Candice Bergen- no kidding.
4. Tell hubby that R. is coming too - yikes forgot to mention that.
5. Fresh flowers.

Ahh that should do it. Oh wait, buy a special gift for my parents to thank them for hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first 32 years of my life.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

moplans said...

I love when the house is all organised and I also wonder why I don't live like that. Probably bc it is too much work to maintain.
Have a great thanksgiving!