Saturday, October 14, 2006

the 13th

If a black cat crosses my path, I'll go the other way. I never walk down wheelchair ramps. And don't even think about opening an umbrella inside if you are near me. Yep, I'm superstitious. Always have been. Not in a huge, crippling sort of way but enough to make me do certain things. My dad and my sister are too. So Friday the 13th isn't a great day in my books. My husband and I were going to fly to Montreal for the weekend, but the idea of flying on that date didn't work for me. I'm sure everything would have been fine, but why risk it and be worried?

But yesterday turned out to be a good day, really good in fact. It actually started Thursday night with the cold weather and threat of flurries. I love snow. I mean really love snow. I was wishing we were the ones that got hit with the storm instead of Buffalo. Snow just puts me in a good mood. Call me crazy, but I am a northerner.

So back to lucky Friday the 13th. We started out early (every second Friday is cleaning lady day - god I do love her!!!) She is the sweetest, loveliest woman and Gracie adores her. She even brought Gracie an adorable gift - jeans with leopard print bows and a snuggling warm sweater with the same details. Too kind. Anyway, we got out of the house around 8:30 and dropped daddy off at work. We usually make our way to exercise class, but this morning we made a trip to the Beach. We drove around a bit then got a great parking spot right in front of Kids at Home. I love this shop - so friendly and helpful. We had to pick up a footmuff for our stroller. What a great thing - and the perfect solution to little Gracie refusing to wear socks, shoes or slippers. They installed it for us and then we were off to Starbucks. All bundled up, we strolled around the park and hit a few shops.

Next home for a nap. Ahh nothing like a clean house to put a smile on your face. A bit of bad luck did come our way. My cousin called from St. Mikes' hospital emergency room - nothing too serious, but we raced there to make sure she was okay. Luckily she was and so we bought her lunch and drove her home.

Then good luck struck. Inside my mailbox was the cell phone my other cousin lost two days earlier. Some kind soul (there are many, many good people in this city) returned it. She was thrilled.

Cousin A. then called and offered to watch Gracie. Yippeee, a night out! I didn't have much time to get ready, but hey I wasn't about to turn down an opportunity like this. We headed to the House on Parliament. Great spot. Two of our favourite bartenders from our younger days now work there. It was packed, but we managed to get two spots at the bar. Nothing like a pint and a burger with your favourite guy.

Oh and the cherry on top - the Tigers won again. Maybe the 13th isn't so bad. On second thought, I shouldn't push my luck.


moplans said...

Hey the 13th is lucky in Chinese culture. Glad you had a great date.

petite gourmand said...

sounds like a great day.
I love the stroller muff thing.
YAY snow!
and The house on parliment?
I will have to check it out.
sounds fun.

Sandra said...

That does sound like a really great day! I used to be scared of Friday the 13th ... an uncle of mine died on a Friday the 13th when I was 8 and one of the people at the funeral told me it was because it was a bad luck day. I was almost an adult before I could stop thinking someone would die every Friday the 13th!

I like your theory that it isn't so bad.