Thursday, November 02, 2006

tick tock

Two months, eight weeks, 60 days...the countdown has officially begun.

Two months used to feel like forever, like remember when you were a kid and you had to wait two months for Christmas or your birthday. And in university a two month deadline was an eternity. Or that feeling in January of two more months of winter (I actually love that feeling - but you know what I mean).

Before Gracie, when I was working two week vacations were luxurious. One week heavenly. Hell I felt refreshed after a long weekend!

And of course time does fly when you are having fun, but time has taken on a whole new meaning these last ten and a half months.

15 days - amount of time Gracie was in the hospital, it felt like forever

3 months - sleepless nights felt like a blur, what is time? 3 am wasn't that much different from 3:00 pm

2 - 5 days - between Gracie's weigh in appointments - it took forever for her to gain a pound

teething time - way too long to little Gracie

6- 7pm - witching hour during the week of teething - felt like an eternity until Daddy came home and Gracie fell asleep

Thanksgiving weekend - fun, fun, fun.....but sadly was over in a blink

10 am - morning nap, super short hour, never long enough to cram in laundry, blogging, shower, well everything

Time, where does it go and how do I seem to waste so much of it? I'm scheduled to go back to work in two months. This stresses me out. I wish I could just hit pause.


Tracy said...

and i wish i could push it for you! it goes so (too) quickly it really does. hold on...

Her Bad Mother said...

Time takes on new meaning entirely when you become a parent - sometimes the hours, the days, flash by like seconds. Sometimes they creep by (when baby is sick, when baby wakes up in the middle of the night) like eons.

All we can do is live in each and every moment and suck it up as best we can (I know, total Hallmark fluff. But still.)

petite gourmand said...

"Time flies" is the most overused cliché used around our house since Lulu came into our lives.
I really try to "be in the moment" as much as I can and soak every second in.
not always the easiest thing to do when you are folding onsies and emptying the dishwasher, but I try.

Sandra said...

Those last 2 months flew by the fastest for me. Savour every moment. I know you will :)