Tuesday, September 12, 2006

separation anxiety

I did it. Yep, that's right. I finally did it and it went so well I did it again yesterday. Yikes twice in five days. I'm getting crazy.

Child care, day care, babysitting, no matter what you call it, it still comes down to leaving your child. She's almost nine months old, and Friday was the first time I left Gracie with a stranger. Okay, she was a qualified stranger and I was in the next room working out, but it was a big moment for me.

Fortunately it was no big deal to Gracie. She went right into the arms of the stranger without any hesitation. As I peered into the window to see how she was doing, she was busy discovering all the new toys. She didn't even notice when I came back an hour later to pick her up. I got down on the floor and then she squealed when she saw me. Well, maybe that's wishful thinking. It was more of a big smile, but a mother can dream can't she?

Guess I'm the one that's going to need therapy for separation anxiety not her.


petite gourmand said...

lucky you,
lulu freaks out when I leave her at any type of day-care..
then again she was probably just sensing MY anxiety.
but a little separation from time to time is a good thing.
especially for mommy...

moplans said...

I am still traumatised from leaving my child. She - like yours- is not.
I find the high-anxiety of the mama guilt lessens with time but never really goes away. Of course now I know it really is not good for either of us for her to be in my care 24/7